Paper 2024/1388

One-Way Functions and pKt Complexity

Shuichi Hirahara, National Institute of Informatics
Zhenjian Lu, University of Warwick
Igor C. Oliveira, University of Warwick

We introduce $\mathsf{pKt}$ complexity, a new notion of time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity that can be seen as a probabilistic analogue of Levin's $\mathsf{Kt}$ complexity. Using $\mathsf{pKt}$ complexity, we upgrade two recent frameworks that characterize one-way functions ($\mathsf{OWF}$) via symmetry of information and meta-complexity, respectively. Among other contributions, we establish the following results: - $\mathsf{OWF}$ can be based on the worst-case assumption that $\mathsf{BPEXP}$ is not contained infinitely often in $\mathsf{P}/\mathsf{poly}$ if the failure of symmetry of information for $\mathsf{pKt}$ in the $\textit{worst-case}$ implies its failure on $\textit{average}$. - (Infinitely-often) $\mathsf{OWF}$ exist if and only if the average-case easiness of approximating $\mathsf{pKt}$ with $\textit{two-sided}$ error implies its (mild) average-case easiness with $\textit{one-sided}$ error. Previously, in a celebrated result, Liu and Pass (CRYPTO 2021 and CACM 2023) proved that one can base (infinitely-often) $\mathsf{OWF}$ on the assumption that $\mathsf{EXP} \nsubseteq \mathsf{BPP}$ if and only if there is a reduction from computing $\mathsf{Kt}$ on average with $\textit{zero}$ error to computing $\mathsf{Kt}$ on average with $\textit{two-sided}$ error. In contrast, our second result shows that closing the gap between two-sided error and one-sided error average-case algorithms for approximating $\mathsf{pKt}$ is both necessary and sufficient to $\textit{unconditionally}$ establish the existence of $\mathsf{OWF}$.

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Publication info
Published by the IACR in TCC 2024
one-way functionsKolmogorov complexityaverage-case complexitysymmetry of information
Contact author(s)
s_hirahara @ nii ac jp
zhenjian lu @ warwick ac uk
igor oliveira @ warwick ac uk
2024-09-04: revised
2024-09-04: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Shuichi Hirahara and Zhenjian Lu and Igor C. Oliveira},
      title = {One-Way Functions and {pKt} Complexity},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1388},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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