Paper 2024/1341

Approach for High-Performance Random Number Generators for Critical Systems

Pascal Hammer, OTH Regensburg
Veronika Krause, OTH Regensburg
Tobias Probst, OTH Regensburg
Jürgen Mottok, OTH Regensburg

In times of digitalization, the encryption and signing of sensitive data is becoming increasingly important. These cryptographic processes require large quantities of high-quality random numbers. Which is why a high-performance random number generator (RNG) is to be developed. For this purpose, existing concepts of RNGs and application standards are first analyzed. The proposed approach is to design a physical true random number generator (PTRNG) with a high output of random numbers. Based on this, the development begins with the analog part of the RNG, the noise signal source and a suitable amplifier for the analog noise signal. Therefore, a special noise diode from Noisecom and an amplifier from NXP were chosen and analyzed in different measurements. From the results of the measurements, it can be concluded that both components are suitable for use in the RNG.

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Published elsewhere. ERTS2024
RNGRandom Number GenerationNoise SourceRandom ProcessesCryptographyRandom Sequences
Contact author(s)
pascal hammer @ oth-regensburg de
veronika1 krause @ oth-regensburg de
tobias probst @ oth-regensburg de
juergen mottok @ oth-regensburg de
2024-08-30: approved
2024-08-27: received
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      author = {Pascal Hammer and Veronika Krause and Tobias Probst and Jürgen Mottok},
      title = {Approach for High-Performance Random Number Generators for Critical Systems},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1341},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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