Paper 2024/1276

A bound on the quantum value of all compiled nonlocal games

Alexander Kulpe, Ruhr University Bochum
Giulio Malavolta, Bocconi University, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
Connor Paddock, University of Ottawa
Simon Schmidt, Ruhr University Bochum
Michael Walter, Ruhr University Bochum

A compiler introduced by Kalai et al. (STOC'23) converts any nonlocal game into an interactive protocol with a single computationally-bounded prover. Although the compiler is known to be sound in the case of classical provers, as well as complete in the quantum case, quantum soundness has so far only been established for special classes of games. In this work, we establish a quantum soundness result for all compiled two-player nonlocal games. In particular, we prove that the quantum commuting operator value of the underlying nonlocal game is an upper bound on the quantum value of the compiled game. Our result employs techniques from operator algebras in a computational and cryptographic setting to establish information-theoretic objects in the asymptotic limit of the security parameter. It further relies on a sequential characterization of quantum commuting operator correlations which may be of independent interest.

Note: Preprint

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Publication info
non-local gamesKLVY compilerquantum soundnesshomomorphic encryption
Contact author(s)
alexander kulpe @ rub de
giulio malavolta @ unibocconi it
cpaulpad @ uottawa ca
s schmidt @ rub de
michael walter @ rub de
2024-08-16: approved
2024-08-13: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Alexander Kulpe and Giulio Malavolta and Connor Paddock and Simon Schmidt and Michael Walter},
      title = {A bound on the quantum value of all compiled nonlocal games},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1276},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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