Paper 2024/1257

Committing Wide Encryption Mode with Minimum Ciphertext Expansion

Yusuke Naito, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Yu Sasaki, NTT Social Informatics Laboratories
Takeshi Sugawara, The University of Electro-Communications

We propose a new wide encryption (WE) mode of operation that satisfies robust authenticated encryption (RAE) and committing security with minimum ciphertext expansion. WE is attracting much attention in the last few years, and its advantage includes RAE security that provides robustness against wide range of misuses, combined with the encode-then-encipher (EtE) construction. Unfortunately, WE-based EtE does not provide good committing security, and there is a recent constant-time CMT-4 attack (Chen et al., ToSC 2023(4)). Improving CMT-4 security requires considerable ciphertext expansion, and the state-of-the-art scheme expands the ciphertext by s_rae + 2 s_cmt bits from an original message to achieve s_rae-bit RAE and s_cmt-bit CMT-4 security. Our new WE mode FFF addresses the issue by achieving s_rae-bit RAE and s_cmt-bit CMT-4 security only with max{s_cmt, s_rae} bits of ciphertext expansion. Our design is based on the committing concealer proposed by Bellare et al., and its extension to WE (cf. tag-based AE) while satisfying RAE security is the main technical innovation.

Note: This paper was submitted to SCN 2024 on May 6th, 2024. One of the reviewers mentioned that our proof for the committing security does not consider attacks with the inverse operation of our mode. However, the reviewer misunderstood our proof Our proof covers the attacks as well as attacks with the forward operation. See Section 1.5 and our proof in Section 4.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Minor revision. NIST Workshop on the Requirements for an Accordion Cipher Mode 2024
Wide encryptionCommitmentRobust authenticated encryptionMinimum ciphertext expansionMode of operation
Contact author(s)
tolucky tigers @ gmail com
yusk sasaki @ ntt com
sugawara @ uec ac jp
2024-08-30: revised
2024-08-08: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Yusuke Naito and Yu Sasaki and Takeshi Sugawara},
      title = {Committing Wide Encryption Mode with Minimum Ciphertext Expansion},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1257},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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