Paper 2024/1239

Efficient Differentially Private Set Intersection

Xinyu Peng, Zhejiang University, Alibaba Group (China)
Yufei Wang, DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group, Hupan Lab
Weiran Liu, Alibaba Group (China)
Liqiang Peng, Alibaba Group (China)
Feng Han, Alibaba Group (China)
Zhen Gu, DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group, Hupan Lab
Jianling Sun, Zhejiang University
Yuan Hong, University of Connecticut

Private Set Intersection (PSI) enables a sender and a receiver to jointly compute the intersection of their sets without disclosing non-trivial information about other items. However, depending on the context of joint data analysis, information derived from the items in the intersection may also be considered sensitive. To protect such sensitive information, prior work proposed Differentially private PSI (DPSI), which can be instantiated with circuit-PSI using Fully Homomorphic Encryption. Although asymptotically efficient, its concrete performance is sub-optimal compared with the practical state-of-the-art (SOTA) circuit-PSI. In this paper, we propose two generic DPSI constructions with provable security and privacy. We revisit the DPSI definition and identify the critical criteria for selecting essential PSI-related tools. Then, we present two generic DPSI constructions. The first construction allows us to achieve provable privacy and efficiency by integrating any circuit-PSI with the randomized response mechanism. By plugging the SOTA circuit-PSI protocol, we obtain a DPSI protocol with concrete performance enhancement. The second construction offers a more efficient DPSI alternative by using multi-query Reverse Private Membership Test (mqRPMT) at the price of intersection size leakage, but such leakages can be bounded with differential privacy by padding random dummy items in input sets. We conduct comprehensive experiments with various instantiations. The experiments show that our instantiations significantly outperform the existing DPSI construction: 2.5-22.6 more communication-efficient and up to 110.5-151.8 faster. Our work also shows a new application for mqRPMT besides obtaining Private Set Operation (PSO).

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Publication info
differential privacyprivate set intersection
Contact author(s)
steven pxy @ alibaba-inc com
wangyufei wyf @ alibaba-inc com
weiran lwr @ alibaba-inc com
plq270998 @ alibaba-inc com
fengdi hf @ alibaba-inc com
guzhen gz @ alibaba-inc com
sunjl @ zju edu cn
yuan hong @ uconn edu
2024-12-18: revised
2024-08-05: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Xinyu Peng and Yufei Wang and Weiran Liu and Liqiang Peng and Feng Han and Zhen Gu and Jianling Sun and Yuan Hong},
      title = {Efficient Differentially Private Set Intersection},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1239},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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