Paper 2024/1058
Natively Compatible Super-Efficient Lookup Arguments and How to Apply Them
Lookup arguments allow an untrusted prover to commit to a vector $\vec f \in \mathbb{F}^n$ and show that its entries reside in a predetermined table $\vec t \in \mathbb{F}^N$. One of their key applications is to augment general-purpose SNARKs making them more efficient on subcomputations that are hard to arithmetize. In order for this "augmentation" to work out, a SNARK and a lookup argument should have some basic level of compatibility with respect to the commitment on $\vec f$. However, not all existing efficient lookup arguments are fully compatible with other efficient general-purpose SNARKs. This incompatibility can for example occur whenever SNARKs use multilinear extensions under the hood (e.g. Spartan) but the lookup argument is univariate in flavor (e.g. Caulk or $\mathsf{cq}$). In this paper we discuss how to widen the spectrum of "super-efficient" lookup arguments (where the proving time is independent of the size of the lookup table): we present a new construction inspired by $\mathsf{cq}$and based on multilinear polynomial encodings (MLE). Our construction is the first lookup argument for any table that is also natively compatible with MLE-based SNARKs at comparable costs with other state-of-the-art lookup arguments, particularly when the large table is unstructured. This case arises in various applications, such as using lookups to prove that the program in a virtual machine is fetching the right instruction and when proving the correct computation of floating point arithmetic (e.g., in verifiable machine learning). We also introduce a second more general construction: a compiler that, given any super-efficient lookup argument compatible with univariate SNARKs, converts it into a lookup argument compatible with MLE-based SNARKs with a very small overhead. Finally, we discuss SNARKs that we can compose with our constructions as well as approaches for this composition to work effectively.
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- Category
- Cryptographic protocols
- Publication info
- Published by the IACR in JOC 2024
- Keywords
- lookup argumentsSNARKscommit and prove
- Contact author(s)
binarywhalesinternaryseas @ gmail com
dario fiore @ imdea org
rosario @ ccny cuny edu - History
- 2024-12-06: last of 2 revisions
- 2024-06-28: received
- See all versions
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@misc{cryptoeprint:2024/1058, author = {Matteo Campanelli and Dario Fiore and Rosario Gennaro}, title = {Natively Compatible Super-Efficient Lookup Arguments and How to Apply Them}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1058}, year = {2024}, url = {} }