Paper 2024/1055

Enhancing Local Verification: Aggregate and Multi-Signature Schemes

Ahmet Ramazan Ağırtaş, Nethermind, London, UK
Neslihan Yaman Gökce, Middle East Technical University
Oğuz Yayla, Middle East Technical University

An aggregate signature scheme is a digital signature protocol that enables the aggregation of multiple signatures. Given n signatures on n distinct messages from n different users, it is possible to combine all these signatures into a single, concise signature. This single signature, along with the n original messages, convinces the verifier that the n users indeed signed their respective n original messages. However, the verifier must have access to all the original messages to perform the verification, highlighting a potential limitation in terms of accessibility and efficiency. Goyal and Vaikuntanathan introduced the concept of local verification, which allows the verifier to determine if a specific message m is part of the aggregated signature by only accessing the message m. In this paper, we extend the single-signer locally verifiable aggregate signature scheme initially proposed by Goyal and Vaikuntanathan, adapting it to a multi-signer context. Our generalization allows the verifier to validate multiple signatures simultaneously using an auxiliary value generated by the LocalOpen algorithm, thereby enhancing verification efficiency. Furthermore, we integrate this approach into the multi-signature scheme proposed by Boneh, Drijvers, and Neven, demonstrating its broader applicability and potential benefits in complex cryptographic systems.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
aggregate signatureslocally verifiable signaturesmulti-signatures
Contact author(s)
a r agirtas @ gmail com
neslimat @ gmail com
oguz @ metu edu tr
2024-06-30: approved
2024-06-28: received
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      author = {Ahmet Ramazan Ağırtaş and Neslihan Yaman Gökce and Oğuz Yayla},
      title = {Enhancing Local Verification: Aggregate and Multi-Signature Schemes},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1055},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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