Paper 2023/990

Privacy Preserving Records Sharing using Blockchain and Format Preserving Encryption

Sai Sandilya Konduru, Shiv Nadar Institute of Eminence
Vishal Saraswat, Robert Bosch (India)

Healthcare providers cannot share their patients' encrypted data among themselves because of interoperability issues. Many blockchain- based solutions have been proposed to allow for sharing medical data in a privacy-preserving manner, but interoperability problems persist. In this paper, we present a protocol called Blockchain-Format Preserving Encryption (B-FPE) to preserve patients' data privacy. Each patient is provided with an FPE key at the time of registration. All medical records are encrypted with the FPE key and stored in the blockchain. All the blockchain transactions are signed using group signatures. We use group signatures for signing the transactions to maintain the anonymity of healthcare providers. The new encrypted data block is concatenated to the blockchain. We present two cases: The regular phase, in which a patient is in a conscious state to share their FPE key with the healthcare provider, and the Emergency phase, in which a patient is not in a conscious state to share their key with the healthcare provider. In the latter case, the healthcare provider reconstructs the FPE key and decrypts the ciphertext. We assume this decryption happens in an oblivious manner.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Format Preserving EncryptionBlockchainGroup SignaturesSecret SharingMedical RecordsPrivacySecurity
Contact author(s)
sandel2001 @ gmail com
vishal saraswat @ gmail com
2023-06-26: approved
2023-06-25: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Sai Sandilya Konduru and Vishal Saraswat},
      title = {Privacy Preserving Records Sharing using Blockchain and Format Preserving Encryption},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/990},
      year = {2023},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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