Paper 2023/909

Efficient 3PC for Binary Circuits with Application to Maliciously-Secure DNN Inference

Yun Li, Tsinghua University, Ant Group
Yufei Duan, Tsinghua University
Zhicong Huang, Alibaba Group (China)
Cheng Hong, Ant Group
Chao Zhang, Tsinghua University
Yifan Song, Tsinghua University

In this work, we focus on maliciously secure 3PC for binary circuits with honest majority. While the state-of-the-art (Boyle et al. CCS 2019) has already achieved the same amortized communication as the best-known semi-honest protocol (Araki et al. CCS 2016), they suffer from a large computation overhead: when comparing with the best-known implementation result (Furukawa et al. Eurocrypt 2017) which requires $9\times$ communication cost of Araki et al., the protocol by Boyle et al. is around $4.5\times$ slower than that of Furukawa et al. In this paper, we design a maliciously secure 3PC protocol that matches the same communication as Araki et al. with comparable concrete efficiency as Furukawa et al. To obtain our result, we manage to apply the distributed zero-knowledge proofs (Boneh et al. Crypto 2019) for verifying computations over $\mathbb{Z}_2$ by using \emph{prime} fields and explore the algebraic structure of prime fields to make the computation of our protocol friendly for native CPU computation. Experiment results show that our protocol is around $3.5\times$ faster for AES circuits than Boyle et al. We also applied our protocol to the binary part (e.g. comparison and truncation) of secure deep neural network inference, and results show that we could reduce the time cost of achieving malicious security in the binary part by more than $67\%$. Besides our main contribution, we also find a hidden security issue in many of the current probabilistic truncation protocols, which may be of independent interest.

Note: A full version of paper "Efficient 3PC for Binary Circuits with Application to Maliciously-Secure DNN Inference" (to be appeared at Usenix Security'23).

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Usenix Security'23
Three-Party ComputationBinary CircuitsSecure DNN Inference
Contact author(s)
liyun19 @ mails tsinghua edu cn
duanyufi @ foxmail com
zhicong hzc @ alibaba-inc com
vince hc @ antgroup com
chaoz @ tsinghua edu cn
yfsong @ mail tsinghua edu cn
2023-06-13: last of 2 revisions
2023-06-12: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Yun Li and Yufei Duan and Zhicong Huang and Cheng Hong and Chao Zhang and Yifan Song},
      title = {Efficient {3PC} for Binary Circuits with Application to Maliciously-Secure {DNN} Inference},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/909},
      year = {2023},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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