Paper 2023/655

TandaPay Whistleblowing Communities: Shifting Workplace Culture Towards Zero-Tolerance Sexual Harassment Policies

Joshua Davis, TandaPay
Dr. Rashid Minhas, University of West London
Michelle Casario, TandaPay

Abstract—Corporate sexual harassment policies often prioritize liability mitigation over the creation of a corporate culture free of harassment. Victims of sexual harassment are often required to report claims individually to HR. This can create an environment of self-censorship when employees feel that they cannot trust HR to act as an unbiased mediator. This problem is compounded when corporations have a culture that is tolerant of certain types of harassment. Forcing employees to report incidents to HR does nothing to address employees’ fear of bias and uncertainty. This paper presents TandaPay, a decentralized grievance reporting protocol designed to address sexual harassment. TandaPay empowers whistleblowing communities to collectively approve their own harassment claims. TandaPay reduces self-censorship by allowing employees to take ownership of the reporting process, as employees no longer need to rely on HR to act as an intermediary. The protocol employs a novel method of using financial incentives to guard against collusion. This provides corporations with a guarantee that employees can only approve valid claims. Using TandaPay, corporations can give employees greater autonomy with the goal of minimizing self-censorship. This increases the reporting of incidents, enabling workers to change the corporate culture to one of respect and accountability.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Blockchainsdecentralized applicationsdistributed computingprotocolssmart contracts
Contact author(s)
JoshuaD31 @ gmail com
RaliMinhas @ gmail com
michelle casario @ gmail com
2023-05-11: approved
2023-05-09: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Joshua Davis and Dr. Rashid Minhas and Michelle Casario},
      title = {{TandaPay} Whistleblowing Communities:  Shifting Workplace Culture Towards Zero-Tolerance Sexual Harassment Policies},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/655},
      year = {2023},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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