Paper 2023/593

Implementing and Optimizing Matrix Triples with Homomorphic Encryption

Johannes Mono, Ruhr University Bochum
Tim Güneysu, Ruhr University Bochum, German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence

In today’s interconnected world, data has become a valuable asset, leading to a growing interest in protecting it through techniques such as privacy-preserving computation. Two well-known approaches are multi-party computation and homomorphic encryption with use cases such as privacy-preserving machine learning evaluating or training neural networks. For multi-party computation, one of the fundamental arithmetic operations is the secure multiplication in the malicious security model and by extension the multiplication of matrices which is expensive to compute in the malicious model. Transferring the problem of secure matrix multiplication to the homomorphic domain enables savings in communication complexity, reducing the main bottleneck. In this work, we implement and optimize the homomorphic generation of matrix triples. We provide an open-source implementation for the leveled BGV (Brakerski Gentry Vaikuntanathan) scheme supporting plaintext moduli of arbitrary size using state-of-the-art implementation techniques. We also provide a new, use-case specific approach to parameter generation for leveled BGV-like schemes heuristically optimizing for computation time and taking into account architecture-specific constraints. Finally, we provide an in-depth analysis of the homomorphic circuit enabling the re-use of key switching keys and eliminating constant multiplications, combining our results in an implementation to generate homomorphic matrix triples for arbitrary plaintext moduli. Our implementation is publicly available and up to $2.1\times$ faster compared to previous work while also providing new time-memory trade-offs for different computing environments. Furthermore, we implement and evaluate additional, use-case specific optimization opportunities such as matrix slicing for the matrix triple generation.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security
homomorphic encryptionmatrix triplesparameter generation
Contact author(s)
johannes mono @ rub de
tim gueneysu @ rub de
2023-05-01: revised
2023-04-25: received
See all versions
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      author = {Johannes Mono and Tim Güneysu},
      title = {Implementing and Optimizing Matrix Triples with Homomorphic Encryption},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2023/593},
      year = {2023},
      doi = {10.1145/3579856.3590344},
      url = {}
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