Paper 2023/355
Improved Differential Analysis of MIBS Based on Greedy Algorithm
MIBS is a 32-round lightweight block cipher following a Feistel structure with the block length of 64-bit and the key length of 64 or 80 bits. In this paper, the properties of the key scheduling algorithm are investigated and lots of repeated bits among the different round keys are found. Moreover, the optimal guessing order of the unknown key bits is obtained by using the greedy algorithm. At last, combined with the early abort technique, the differential cryptanalyses are improved to 15 rounds both of MIBS-64 and MIBS-80. For MIBS-64, the data complexity is
- Available format(s)
- -- withdrawn --
- Category
- Attacks and cryptanalysis
- Publication info
- Preprint.
- Keywords
- Differential CryptanalysisLightweight Block CipherKey Scheduling AlgorithmEarly Abort TechniqueGreedy Algorithm
- Contact author(s)
liuj @ itstec org cn
liyjwuyh @ 163 com
liurunyi @ outlook com
fzuzoujian15 @ 163 com
wangzq @ besti edu cn - History
- 2023-04-06: withdrawn
- 2023-03-11: received
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