Paper 2023/324

LATKE: A Framework for Constructing Identity-Binding PAKEs

Jonathan Katz, University of Maryland, College Park
Michael Rosenberg, University of Maryland, College Park

Motivated by applications to the internet of things (IoT), Cremers, Naor, Paz, and Ronen (Crypto '22) recently considered a setting in which multiple parties share a common password and want to be able to securely authenticate to each other. They observed that using standard password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocols in this setting allows for catastrophic impersonation attacks whereby compromise of a single party allows an attacker to impersonate any party to any other. To address this, they proposed the notion of identity-binding PAKE (iPAKE) and showed constructions of iPAKE protocols CHIP and CRISP. In this work we present LATKE, a new framework for iPAKE that allows us to construct protocols offering features beyond what CHIP and CRISP achieve. In particular, we can instantiate the components of our framework to yield an iPAKE protocol with post-quantum security and identity concealment, where one party hides its identity until it has authenticated the other. To our knowledge, this is the first iPAKE protocol with either property. We show that the iPAKEs produced by LATKE UC-realize a slightly weakened version of the original iPAKE functionality in the adaptive corruption model with erasure and programmable random oracles. To demonstrate the concrete efficiency of our framework, we implement various instantiations and compare the resulting protocols to CHIP when run on commodity hardware. We find some pre-quantum instantiations have computation cost within 5% of CHIP and with a communication overhead of 324B, and one post-quantum instantiation achieves computation cost within 3% of CHIP with a communication overhead of 3kB.

Note: The latest revision is essentially a brand new paper. We did not find a way to recover the previous broken construction.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
key agreementpassword-based cryptographyIoTpost-quantum cryptography
Contact author(s)
jkatz2 @ gmail com
micro @ cs umd edu
2024-03-16: last of 3 revisions
2023-03-05: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Jonathan Katz and Michael Rosenberg},
      title = {{LATKE}: A Framework for Constructing Identity-Binding {PAKEs}},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/324},
      year = {2023},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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