Paper 2023/1937

Revocable Quantum Digital Signatures

Tomoyuki Morimae, Kyoto University
Alexander Poremba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Takashi Yamakawa, NTT Social Informatics Laboratories, Kyoto University

We study digital signatures with revocation capabilities and show two results. First, we define and construct digital signatures with revocable signing keys from the LWE assumption. In this primitive, the signing key is a quantum state which enables a user to sign many messages and yet, the quantum key is also revocable, i.e., it can be collapsed into a classical certificate which can later be verified. Once the key is successfully revoked, we require that the initial recipient of the key loses the ability to sign. We construct digital signatures with revocable signing keys from a newly introduced primitive which we call two-tier one-shot signatures, which may be of independent interest. This is a variant of one-shot signatures, where the verification of a signature for the message ``0'' is done publicly, whereas the verification for the message ``1'' is done in private. We give a construction of two-tier one-shot signatures from the LWE assumption. As a complementary result, we also construct digital signatures with quantum revocation from group actions, where the quantum signing key is simply ``returned'' and then verified as part of revocation. Second, we define and construct digital signatures with revocable signatures from OWFs. In this primitive, the signer can produce quantum signatures which can later be revoked. Here, the security property requires that, once revocation is successful, the initial recipient of the signature loses the ability to find accepting inputs to the signature verification algorithm. We construct this primitive using a newly introduced two-tier variant of tokenized signatures. For the construction, we show a new lemma which we call the adaptive hardcore bit property for OWFs, which may enable further applications.

Note: 46 pages.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
quantum digital signaturesrevocable cryptographykey-leasing
Contact author(s)
tomoyuki morimae @ yukawa kyoto-u ac jp
poremba @ mit edu
takashi yamakawa @ ntt com
2023-12-21: approved
2023-12-21: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Tomoyuki Morimae and Alexander Poremba and Takashi Yamakawa},
      title = {Revocable Quantum Digital Signatures},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1937},
      year = {2023},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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