Paper 2023/1740

Evaluation of Arithmetic Sum-of-Products Expressions in Linear Secret Sharing Schemes with a Non-Interactive Computation Phase

Miguel de Vega, Nillion
Andrei Lapets, Reity
Stanislaw Jarecki, University of California, Irvine
Wicher Malten, Nillion
Mehmet Ugurbil, Nillion
Wyatt Howe, University of California, Los Angeles

Among secure multi-party computation protocols, linear secret sharing schemes often do not rely on cryptographic assumptions and are among the most straightforward to explain and to implement correctly in software. However, basic versions of such schemes either limit participants to evaluating linear operations involving private values or require those participants to communicate synchronously during a computation phase. A straightforward, information-theoretically secure extension to such schemes is presented that can evaluate arithmetic sum-of-products expressions that contain multiplication operations involving non-zero private values. Notably, this extension does not require that participants communicate during the computation phase. Instead, a preprocessing phase is required that is independent of the private input values (but is dependent on the number of factors and terms in the sum-of-products expression).

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-- withdrawn --
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
secure multi-party computation
Contact author(s)
miguel @ nillion com
al @ reity org
stasio @ ics uci edu
wicher malten @ nillion com
memo @ nillion com
wjh @ ucla edu
2024-06-28: withdrawn
2023-11-10: received
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