Paper 2023/1678

BumbleBee: Secure Two-party Inference Framework for Large Transformers

Wen-jie Lu, Ant Group, Zhejiang University
Zhicong Huang, Ant Group
Zhen Gu, Alibaba Group (China)
Jingyu Li, Ant Group, Zhejiang University
Jian Liu, Zhejiang University
Cheng Hong, Ant Group
Kui Ren, Zhejiang University
Tao Wei, Ant Group
WenGuang Chen, Ant Group

Abstract—Large transformer-based models have realized state- of-the-art performance on lots of real-world tasks such as natural language processing and computer vision. However, with the increasing sensitivity of the data and tasks they handle, privacy has become a major concern during model deployment. In this work, we focus on private inference in two-party settings, where one party holds private inputs and the other holds the model. We introduce BumbleBee, a fast and communication-friendly two- party private transformer inference system. Our contributions are three-fold: First, we propose optimized protocols for matrix multiplication, which significantly reduce communication costs by 80% – 90% compared to previous techniques. Secondly, we develop a methodology for constructing efficient protocols tailored to the non-linear activation functions employed in transformer models. The proposed activation protocols have realized a significant enhancement in processing speed, alongside a remarkable reduction in communication costs by 80% – 95% compared with two prior methods. Lastly, we have performed extensive benchmarks on five transformer models. BumbleBee demonstrates its capability by evaluating the LLaMA-7B model, generating one token in approximately 14 minutes using CPUs. Our results further reveal that BumbleBee outperforms Iron (NeurIPS22) by over an order of magnitude and is three times faster than BOLT (Oakland24) with one-tenth communication.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Minor revision. Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium
secure neural inferencesecure two-party computationprivacy-preserving machine learning
Contact author(s)
fionser @ gmail com
ljy404490 @ antgroup com
vince hc @ antgroup com
2024-07-08: last of 2 revisions
2023-10-30: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial


      author = {Wen-jie Lu and Zhicong Huang and Zhen Gu and Jingyu Li and Jian Liu and Cheng Hong and Kui Ren and Tao Wei and WenGuang Chen},
      title = {{BumbleBee}: Secure Two-party Inference Framework for Large Transformers},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2023/1678},
      year = {2023},
      url = {}
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