Paper 2023/1658

On the Security of Triplex- and Multiplex-type Constructions with Smaller Tweaks

Nilanjan Datta, Institute for Advancing Intelligence, TCG CREST, India
Avijit Dutta, Institute for Advancing Intelligence, TCG CREST, India
Eik List, Nanyang Technological University
Sougata Mandal, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute, India, Institute for Advancing Intelligence, TCG CREST, India

In TCHES’22, Shen et al. proposed Triplex, a single-pass leakage-resistant authenticated encryption scheme based on Tweakable Block Ciphers (TBCs) with 2n-bit tweaks. Triplex enjoys beyond-birthday-bound ciphertext integrity in the CIML2 setting and birthday-bound confidentiality in the CCAmL1 notion. Despite its strengths, Triplex’s operational efficiency was hindered by its sequential nature, coupled with a rate limit of 2/3. In an endeavor to surmount these efficiency challenges, Peters et al. proposed Multiplex, a variant of Triplex with increased parallelism and a flexible rate of d/(d+1) that retains similar security guarantees. However, the innovation came at the price of requiring TBCs with dn-bit tweaks, which are unusual and potentially costly for d > 3. In this paper, we investigate the limits of generalized Triplex- and Multiplex-type constructions for single-pass leakage-resilient authenticated encryption. Our contributions are threefold. First, we show that such constructions cannot provide CIML2 integrity for any tweak lengths below dn/2 bits. Second, we provide a birthday-bound attack for constructions with TBCs of tweak lengths between dn/2 and (d − 1)n + n/2 bits. Finally, on the constructive side, we propose a family of single-pass leakage-resilient authenticated ciphers, dubbed Tweplex, that uses tweaks of dn/2 bits and provides a rate of d/(d + 1) while providing n/2-bit CIML2 integrity and CCAmL1 confidentiality.

Note: This is the full version of the paper titled "On the Security of Triplex- and Multiplex-type Constructions with Smaller Tweaks" that has been accepted at INDOCRYPT 2023.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Minor revision. INDOCRYPT 2023
Authenticated EncryptionLeakage ResilientTweakable Block CipherBirthday Bound Security
Contact author(s)
nilanjan datta @ tcgcrest org
avijit dutta @ tcgcrest org
eik list @ ntu edu sg
sougata mandal @ tcgcrest org
2023-10-26: approved
2023-10-26: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Nilanjan Datta and Avijit Dutta and Eik List and Sougata Mandal},
      title = {On the Security of Triplex- and Multiplex-type Constructions with Smaller Tweaks},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1658},
      year = {2023},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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