Paper 2023/1191

Attribute-Based Multi-Input FE (and more) for Attribute-Weighted Sums

Shweta Agrawal, IIT Madras
Junichi Tomida, NTT Social Informatics Laboratories
Anshu Yadav, IIT Madras

Recently, Abdalla, Gong and Wee (Crypto 2020) provided the first functional encryption scheme for attribute-weighted sums (AWS), where encryption takes as input $N$ (unbounded) attribute-value pairs $\{\vec{x}_i, \vec{z}_i\}_{I \in [N]}$ where $\vec{x}_i$ is public and $\vec{z}_i$ is private, the secret key is associated with an arithmetic branching programs $f$, and decryption returns the weighted sum ${\sum}_{{i \in [N]}} f(\vec{x}_i)^\top \vec{z}_i$, leaking no additional information about the $\vec{z}_i$'s. We extend FE for AWS to the significantly more challenging multi-party setting and provide the first construction for {\it attribute-based} multi-input FE (MIFE) supporting AWS. For $i \in [n]$, encryptor $i$ can choose an attribute $\vec{y}_i$ together with AWS input $\{\vec{x}_{i,j}, \vec{z}_{i,j}\}$ where $j \in [N_i]$ and $N_i$ is unbounded, the key generator can choose an access control policy $g_i$ along with its AWS function $h_i$ for each $i \in [n]$, and the decryptor can compute $$\sum_{i \in [n]}\sum_{j \in [N_{i}]}h_{i}(\vec{x}_{i,j})^{\top}\vec{z}_{i,j} \text{ iff } g_{i}(\vec{y}_{i}) =0 \text{ for all } i \in [n]$$ Previously, the only known attribute based MIFE was for the inner product functionality (Abdalla et al.~Asiacrypt 2020), where additionally, $\vec{y}_i$ had to be fixed during setup and must remain the same for all ciphertexts in a given slot. Our attribute based MIFE implies the notion of multi-input {\it attribute based encryption} (\miabe) recently studied by Agrawal, Yadav and Yamada (Crypto 2022) and Francati, Friolo, Malavolta and Venturi (Eurocrypt 2023), for a conjunction of predicates represented as arithmetic branching programs (ABP). Along the way, we also provide the first constructions of multi-client FE (MCFE) and dynamic decentralized FE (DDFE) for the AWS functionality. Previously, the best known MCFE and DDFE schemes were for inner products (Chotard et al.~ePrint 2018, Abdalla, Benhamouda and Gay, Asiacrypt 2019, and Chotard et al.~Crypto 2020). Our constructions are based on pairings and proven selectively secure under the matrix DDH assumption.

Note: fixed an editorial error

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
A major revision of an IACR publication in CRYPTO 2023
functional encryptionmulti-input functional encryption
Contact author(s)
shweta a @ cse iitm ac in
tomida junichi @ gmail com
anshu yadav06 @ gmail com
2023-08-08: revised
2023-08-04: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Shweta Agrawal and Junichi Tomida and Anshu Yadav},
      title = {Attribute-Based Multi-Input {FE} (and more) for Attribute-Weighted Sums},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1191},
      year = {2023},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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