Paper 2023/1187

Broadcast-Optimal Two Round MPC with Asynchronous Peer-to-Peer Channels

Ivan Damgård, Aarhus University
Divya Ravi, Aarhus University
Luisa Siniscalchi, Danish Technical University
Sophia Yakoubov, Aarhus University

In this paper we continue the study of two-round broadcast-optimal MPC, where broadcast is used in one of the two rounds, but not in both. We consider the realistic scenario where the round that does not use broadcast is asynchronous. Since a first asynchronous round (even when followed by a round of broadcast) does not admit any secure computation, we introduce a new notion of asynchrony which we call -asynchrony. In this new notion of asynchrony, an adversary can delay or drop up to of a given party's incoming messages; we refer to as the deafness threshold. Similarly, the adversary can delay or drop up to of a given party's outgoing messages; we refer to as the muteness threshold. We determine which notions of secure two-round computation are achievable when the first round is -asynchronous, and the second round is over broadcast. Similarly, we determine which notions of secure two-round computation are achievable when the first round is over broadcast, and the second round is (fully) asynchronous. We consider the cases where a PKI is available, when only a CRS is available but private communication in the first round is possible, and the case when only a CRS is available and no private communication is possible before the parties have had a chance to exchange public keys.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Major revision. LATINCRYPT 2023
Secure ComputationRound ComplexityAsynchrony
Contact author(s)
ivan @ cs au dk
divya 18oct @ gmail com
luisi @ dtu dk
sophia yakoubov @ cs au dk
2023-08-04: approved
2023-08-03: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Ivan Damgård and Divya Ravi and Luisa Siniscalchi and Sophia Yakoubov},
      title = {Broadcast-Optimal Two Round {MPC} with Asynchronous Peer-to-Peer Channels},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2023/1187},
      year = {2023},
      url = {}
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