Paper 2023/1096

White-Box Block Cipher Implementation Based on LS-Design

Hatice Kübra Güner, Middle East Technical University
Ceyda Mangır, Middle East Technical University
Oğuz Yayla, Middle East Technical University

Protecting secret keys from malicious observers in untrusted environments is a critical security issue. White-box cryptography suggests software protection by hiding the key in the white-box setting. One method for hiding the key in the cipher code is through encoding methods. Unfortunately, encoding methods may be vulnerable to algebraic attacks and side-channel analysis. Another technique to hide the key is (M,Z)-space hardness approach that conceals the key into a large lookup table generated with a reliable small block cipher. In (M,Z)-space-hard algorithms, the key extraction problem in the white-box setting turns into a key recovery problem in the black-box setting. One of the problems for (M,Z)-space-hard algorithms is improving run-time performance. In this study, we aim to improve the run-time performance of the existing white-box implementations. We propose an LS-design based white-box algorithm with better run-rime performance than space-hard SPNbox algorithm. Moreover, an LS-design based table creation method is designed. When we compare the run-time performance of our method with the SPNbox algorithm, we obtain 28% improvement for white-box implementation and 27% for black-box implementation for 128-bit block size. The LS-design based method is also used for 256-bit block size in the white-box setting.

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Publication info
White-box cryptographySpace-hard ciphersSoftware protectionLS-designEfficiency
Contact author(s)
hatice kubra 89 @ gmail com
ceyda mangir @ alumni metu edu tr
oguz @ metu edu tr
2023-08-08: revised
2023-07-14: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Hatice Kübra Güner and Ceyda Mangır and Oğuz Yayla},
      title = {White-Box Block Cipher Implementation Based on {LS}-Design},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1096},
      year = {2023},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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