Paper 2022/961

Secure and Efficient Implicit Certificates: Improving the Performance for Host Identity Protocol in IoT

Zhaokang Lu, Harbin University of Science and Technology
Jianzhu Lu, Jinan University

Implicit certificates own the shorter public key validation data. This property makes them appealing in resource-constrained IoT systems where public key validation is performed very often, which is common in Host Identity Protocol (HIP). However, it is still a critical challenge in IoT how to guarantee the security and efficiency of implicit certificates. This article presents a forgery attack for the Privacy-aware HIP (P-HIP), and then propose a Secure and Efficient Implicit Certificate (SEIC) scheme that can improve the security of the P-HIP and the efficiency of elliptic-curve point multiplications for IoT devices. For a fix-point multiplication, the proposed approach is about 1:5 times faster than the method in SIMPL scheme. Furthermore, we improve the performance of SEIC with the butterfly key expansion process, and then construct an improved P-HIP. Experimental results show that the improved P-HIP can achieve the performance gains.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Authentication Privacy Implicit certificates Internet of ThingsHost identity Security
Contact author(s)
2727716939 @ qq com
tljz @ jnu edu cn
2022-07-28: approved
2022-07-26: received
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      author = {Zhaokang Lu and Jianzhu Lu},
      title = {Secure and Efficient Implicit Certificates: Improving the Performance for Host Identity Protocol in {IoT}},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2022/961},
      year = {2022},
      url = {}
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