Paper 2022/948
A quantum polynomial time search algorithm for certain unsorted finite lists
Grover famously showed that any unsorted list, of finite size $N$, can be searched in O($\sqrt{N})$ time via quantum computation. Bennett et. al. demonstrated that any algorithm general enough to search any finite unsorted list must take at least O($\sqrt{N})$ time via quantum computation. We demonstrate a quantum algorithm that can search a proper subclass of finite, unsorted lists, of size $N$, in a time that is polynomial in $log(N)$. We demonstrate how it can be used to search the keyspace of any block cipher that can be implemented on a quantum computer with the keyspace in superpositon. In particular we give a polynomial time attack on $AES-128$, $AES-192$ and $AES-256$.
- Available format(s)
- -- withdrawn --
- Category
- Attacks and cryptanalysis
- Publication info
- Preprint.
- Keywords
- AES. Quantum Cryptanalysis Quantum Search
- Contact author(s)
- lemieuxs5 @ macewan ca
- History
- 2022-07-24: withdrawn
- 2022-07-22: received
- See all versions
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