Paper 2022/818

Provably Secure Reflection Ciphers

Tim Beyne, KU Leuven
Yu Long Chen, KU Leuven

This paper provides the first analysis of reflection ciphers such as PRINCE from a provable security viewpoint. As a first contribution, we initiate the study of key-alternating reflection ciphers in the ideal permutation model. Specifically, we prove the security of the two-round case and give matching attacks. The resulting security bound takes form O(qp2/22n+q2/2n), where q is the number of construction evaluations and p is the number of direct adversarial queries to the underlying permutation. Since the two-round construction already achieves an interesting security lower bound, this result can also be of interest for the construction of reflection ciphers based on a single public permutation. Our second contribution is a generic key-length extension method for reflection ciphers. It provides an attractive alternative to the construction, which is used by PRINCE and other concrete key-alternating reflection ciphers. We show that our construction leads to better security with minimal changes to existing designs. The security proof is in the ideal cipher model and relies on a reduction to the two-round Even-Mansour cipher with a single round key. In order to obtain the desired result, we sharpen the bad-transcript analysis and consequently improve the best-known bounds for the single-key Even-Mansour cipher with two rounds. This improvement is enabled by a new sum-capture theorem that is of independent interest.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Published by the IACR in CRYPTO 2022
Reflection ciphers Public random permutations Ideal cipher model Sum capture theorem PRINCE
Contact author(s)
tim beyne @ esat kuleuven be
yulong chen @ kuleuven be
2022-06-23: approved
2022-06-22: received
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      author = {Tim Beyne and Yu Long Chen},
      title = {Provably Secure Reflection Ciphers},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2022/818},
      year = {2022},
      url = {}
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