Paper 2022/800

BarnOwl: Secure Comparisons using Silent Pseudorandom Correlation Generators

Sameer Wagh, Devron Corporation

Recent advances in function secret sharing (FSS) have led to new possibilities in multi-party computation in the pre-processing model. Silent Pseudorandom Correlation Generators (Crypto '19, CCS '19, CCS '19, CCS '20) have demonstrated the ability to generate large quantities of pre-processing material such as oblivious transfers and Beaver triples through a non-interactive offline phase (with an initial set-up). However, there has been limited protocols for pre-processing material such as doubly authenticated bits (daBits, IndoCrypt'19) and extended doubly authenticated bits (edaBits, Crypto '20) which are critical for state-of-the-art secure comparison protocols over arithmetic secret sharing. In this work, we propose new protocols in a 3-party computation model for these two cryptographic primitives -- daBits and edaBits. We explore how advances in silent PCGs can be used to construct efficient protocols for daBits and edaBits. Our protocols are secure against a single corruption in both the semi-honest and malicious security models. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: (1) New constant round protocols for generating daBits and edaBits. We achieve this by constructing an efficient 3-party oblivious transfer protocol (using just 2 rounds of computation) and using it to build efficient protocols for daBit and edaBit generation. (2) We extend the above semi-honest protocol to achieve malicious security against an honest majority. We use a standard cut-and-choose approach for this. This improves the round complexity of prior edaBit protocols from O(log2 l) to a constant, where l is the bit-length of the inputs. (3) Finally, to understand when the above protocols provide concrete efficiency, we implement and benchmark the performance of our protocols against state-of-the-art implementation of these primitives in MP-SDPZ. Our protocols improve the throughput of daBit generation by up to 10x in the LAN setting and 5x in the WAN setting. Comparing the performance of edaBit generation, our protocols achieve 4x higher throughput in the LAN setting and 32x higher throughput in the WAN setting. It is known that silent PCGs are compute intense and thus the performance of these new protocols can further be improved using works such as CryptGPU (S\&P '21), Piranha (USENIX '22) that significantly improve the local computation in MPC protocols.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Oblivious Transfer Multi-party computation Function Secret Sharing
Contact author(s)
swagh @ alumni princeton edu
2022-07-07: revised
2022-06-21: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Sameer Wagh},
      title = {{BarnOwl}: Secure Comparisons using Silent Pseudorandom Correlation Generators},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2022/800},
      year = {2022},
      url = {}
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