Paper 2022/525

Breaking Goppa-Based McEliece with Hints

Elena Kirshanova, Technology Innovation Institute
Alexander May, Ruhr University Bochum

We consider the McEliece cryptosystem with a binary Goppa code specified by an irreducible Goppa polynomial and Goppa points . Since together with the Goppa points allow for efficient decoding, these parameters form McEliece secret keys. Such a Goppa code is an -dimensional subspace of , and therefore has co-dimension . For typical McEliece instantiations we have . We show that given more than entries of the Goppa point vector allows to recover the Goppa polynomial and the remaining entries in polynomial time. Hence, in case roughly a fourth of a McEliece secret key is sufficient to recover the full key efficiently. Let us give some illustrative numerical examples. For \textsc{ClassicMcEliece} with on input Goppa points, we recover the remaining Goppa points in and the degree- Goppa polynomial in secs. For \textsc{ClassicMcEliece} with on input Goppa points, we recover the remaining Goppa points in and the degree- Goppa polynomial in secs. Our results also extend to the case of erroneous Goppa points, but in this case our algorithms are no longer polynomial time.

Note: A new section (Section 3.5) on "Reconstruction from Goppa Polynomial and t(m − 2) + 1 Points" is added. Minor editoria changes.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Published elsewhere. SCN2022
McEliecePartial Key RecoveryGoppa code structural attack
Contact author(s)
elenakirshanova @ gmail com
alex may @ rub de
2023-03-09: last of 3 revisions
2022-05-10: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Elena Kirshanova and Alexander May},
      title = {Breaking Goppa-Based {McEliece} with Hints},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2022/525},
      year = {2022},
      url = {}
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