Paper 2022/394

Fuzz, Penetration, and AI Testing for SoC Security Verification: Challenges and Solutions

Kimia Zamiri Azar, Muhammad Monir Hossain, Arash Vafaei, Hasan Al Shaikh, Nurun N. Mondol, Fahim Rahman, Mark Tehranipoor, and Farimah Farahmandi


The ever-increasing usage and application of system-on-chips (SoCs) has resulted in the tremendous modernization of these architectures. For a modern SoC design, with the inclusion of numerous complex and heterogeneous intellectual properties (IPs), and its privacy-preserving declaration, there exists a wide variety of highly sensitive assets. These assets must be protected from any unauthorized access and against a diverse set of attacks. Attacks for obtaining such assets could be accomplished through different sources, including malicious IPs, malicious or vulnerable firmware/software, unreliable and insecure interconnection and communication protocol, and side-channel vulnerabilities through power/performance profiles. Any unauthorized access to such highly sensitive assets may result in either a breach of company secrets for original equipment manufactures (OEM) or identity theft for the end-user. Unlike the enormous advances in functional testing and verification of the SoC architecture, security verification is still on the rise, and little endeavor has been carried out by academia and industry. Unfortunately, there exists a huge gap between the modernization of the SoC architectures and their security verification approaches. With the lack of automated SoC security verification in modern electronic design automation (EDA) tools, we provide a comprehensive overview of the requirements that must be realized as the fundamentals of the SoC security verification process in this paper. By reviewing these requirements, including the creation of a unified language for SoC security verification, the definition of security policies, formulation of the security verification, etc., we put forward a realization of the utilization of self-refinement techniques, such as fuzz, penetration, and AI testing, for security verification purposes. We evaluate all the challenges and resolution possibilities, and we provide the potential approaches for the realization of SoC security verification via these self-refinement techniques.

Note: Dear Editor, In the revised version, only the authors order list is modified. Since the original submission is not published yet, we would be grateful if you upload the revised version as the original one. Thanks, Kimia Zamiri Azar

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
SoC Security Verification
Contact author(s)
k zamiriazar @ ufl edu
2022-03-28: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Kimia Zamiri Azar and Muhammad Monir Hossain and Arash Vafaei and Hasan Al Shaikh and Nurun N.  Mondol and Fahim Rahman and Mark Tehranipoor and Farimah Farahmandi},
      title = {Fuzz, Penetration, and {AI} Testing for {SoC} Security Verification: Challenges and Solutions},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2022/394},
      year = {2022},
      url = {}
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