Paper 2022/207

Cheetah: Lean and Fast Secure Two-Party Deep Neural Network Inference

Zhicong Huang, Ant Group
Wen-jie Lu, Zhejiang University
Cheng Hong, Ant Group
Jiansheng Ding, Alibaba Group

Secure two-party neural network inference (2PC-NN) can offer privacy protection for both the client and the server and is a promising technique in the machine-learning-as-a-service setting. However, the large overhead of the current 2PC-NN in- ference systems is still being a headache, especially when applied to deep neural networks such as ResNet50. In this work, we present Cheetah, a new 2PC-NN inference system that is faster and more communication-efficient than state-of-the-arts. The main contributions of Cheetah are two-fold: the first part includes carefully designed homomorphic encryption-based protocols that can evaluate the linear layers (namely convolution, batch normalization, and fully-connection) without any expensive rotation operation. The second part includes several lean and communication-efficient primitives for the non-linear functions (e.g., ReLU and truncation). Using Cheetah, we present intensive benchmarks over several large-scale deep neural networks. Take ResNet50 for an example, an end- to-end execution of Cheetah under a WAN setting costs less than 2.5 minutes and 2.3 gigabytes of communication, which outperforms CrypTFlow2 (ACM CCS 2020) by about 5.6× and 12.9×, respectively.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. Minor revision. USENIX Security'22
secure neural inferencesecure two-party computationprivacy-preserving machine learning
Contact author(s)
zhicong hzc @ antgroup com
fionser @ gmail com
vince hc @ antgroup com
2024-06-11: last of 6 revisions
2022-02-20: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Zhicong Huang and Wen-jie Lu and Cheng Hong and Jiansheng Ding},
      title = {Cheetah: Lean and Fast Secure Two-Party Deep Neural Network Inference},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2022/207},
      year = {2022},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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