Paper 2022/198

Efficient FHEW Bootstrapping with Small Evaluation Keys, and Applications to Threshold Homomorphic Encryption

Yongwoo Lee, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Inha University
Daniele Micciancio, University of California, San Diego
Andrey Kim, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
Rakyong Choi, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
Maxim Deryabin, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
Jieun Eom, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
Donghoon Yoo, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Desilo

There are two competing approaches to bootstrap the FHEW fully homomorphic encryption scheme (Ducas and Micciancio, Eurocrypt 2015) and its variants: the original AP/FHEW method, which supports arbitrary secret key distributions, and the improved GINX/TFHE method, which uses much smaller evaluation keys, but is directly applicable only to binary secret keys, restricting the scheme's applicability. In this paper, we present a new bootstrapping procedure for FHEW-like encryption schemes that achieves the best features of both methods: support for arbitrary secret key distributions at no additional runtime costs, while using small evaluation keys. (Support for arbitrary secret keys is critical in a number of important applications, like threshold and some multi-key homomorphic encryption schemes.) As an added benefit, our new bootstrapping procedure results in smaller noise growth than both AP and GINX, regardless of the key distribution. Our improvements are both theoretically significant (offering asymptotic savings, up to a $O(\log n)$ multiplicative factor, either on the running time or public evaluation key size), and practically relevant. For example, for a concrete 128-bit target security level, we show how to decrease the evaluation key size of the best previously known scheme by more than 30%, while also slightly reducing the running time. We demonstrate the practicality of the proposed methods by building a prototype implementation within the PALISADE/OpenFHE open-source homomorphic encryption library. We provide optimized parameter sets and implementation results showing that the proposed algorithm has the best performance among all known FHEW bootstrapping methods in terms of runtime and key size. We illustrate the benefits of our method by sketching a simple construction of threshold homomorphic encryption based on FHEW.

Note: Same as Eurocrypt 2023 publish version.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Published by the IACR in EUROCRYPT 2023
AutomorphismBlind RotationBootstrappingFully Homomorphic EncryptionThreshold Homomorphic Encryption
Contact author(s)
yongwoo @ inha ac kr
daniele @ cs ucsd edu
andrey kim @ samsung com
rakyong choi @ samsung com
max deriabin @ samsung com
jieun eom @ samsung com
donghoon yoo @ desilo ai
2023-06-10: last of 4 revisions
2022-02-20: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Yongwoo Lee and Daniele Micciancio and Andrey Kim and Rakyong Choi and Maxim Deryabin and Jieun Eom and Donghoon Yoo},
      title = {Efficient {FHEW} Bootstrapping with Small Evaluation Keys, and Applications to Threshold Homomorphic Encryption},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2022/198},
      year = {2022},
      doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-30620-4_8},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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