Paper 2022/1752

IsoLock: Thwarting Link-Prediction Attacks on Routing Obfuscation by Graph Isomorphism

Shaza Elsharief, New York University Abu Dhabi
Lilas Alrahis, New York University Abu Dhabi
Johann Knechtel, New York University Abu Dhabi
Ozgur Sinanoglu, New York University Abu Dhabi

Logic locking/obfuscation secures hardware designs from untrusted entities throughout the globalized semiconductor supply chain. Machine learning (ML) recently challenged the security of locking: such attacks successfully captured the locking-induced, structural design modifications to decipher obfuscated gates. Although routing obfuscation eliminates this threat, more recent attacks exposed new vulnerabilities, like link formation, breaking such schemes. Thus, there is still a need for advanced, truly learning-resilient locking solutions. Here we propose IsoLock, a provably-secure locking scheme that utilizes isomorphic structures which ML models and other structural methods cannot discriminate. Unlike prior work, IsoLock’s security promise neither relies on re-synthesis nor on dedicated sub-circuits. Instead, IsoLock introduces isomorphic key-gate structures within the design via systematic routing obfuscation. We theoretically prove the security of IsoLock against modeling attacks. Further, we lock ISCAS-85 and ITC-99 benchmarks and launch state-of-the-art ML attacks, SCOPE and MuxLink, as well as the Redundancy and SAAM attacks, which only decipher an average of 0–6% of the key, well confirming the resilience of IsoLock. All in all, IsoLock is proposed to break the cycle of “cat and mouse” in locking and attack studies, through a provably-secure locking approach against structural ML attacks.

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Publication info
Hardware security IP piracy Graph neural networks Logic locking Machine learning
Contact author(s)
se1525 @ nyu edu
lma387 @ nyu edu
jk176 @ nyu edu
os22 @ nyu edu
2022-12-27: approved
2022-12-21: received
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs


      author = {Shaza Elsharief and Lilas Alrahis and Johann Knechtel and Ozgur Sinanoglu},
      title = {{IsoLock}: Thwarting Link-Prediction Attacks on Routing Obfuscation by Graph Isomorphism},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2022/1752},
      year = {2022},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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