Paper 2022/1306
Single-shuffle Full-open Card-based Protocols Imply Private Simultaneous Messages Protocols
In this note, we introduce a class of card-based protocols called single-shuffle full-open (SSFO) protocols and show that any SSFO protocol for a function $f: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow [d]$ using $k$ cards is generically converted to a private simultaneous messages (PSM) protocol for $f$ with $(nk)$-bit communication. As an example application, we obtain an 18-bit PSM protocol for the three-bit equality function from the six-card trick (Heather-Schneider-Teague, Formal Aspects of Computing 2014), which is an SSFO protocol in our terminology. We then generalize this result to another class of protocols which we name single-shuffle single-branch (SSSB) protocols, which contains SSFO protocols as a subclass. As an example application, we obtain an 8-bit PSM protocol for the two-bit AND function from the four-card trick (Mizuki-Kumamoto-Sone, ASIACRYPT 2012), which is an SSSB protocol in our terminology.
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Foundations
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- Preprint.
- Keywords
- card-based protocols private simultaneous messages
- Contact author(s)
kazumasa shinagawa np92 @ vc ibaraki ac jp
nuida @ imi kyushu-u ac jp - History
- 2022-10-03: approved
- 2022-10-01: received
- See all versions
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@misc{cryptoeprint:2022/1306, author = {Kazumasa Shinagawa and Koji Nuida}, title = {Single-shuffle Full-open Card-based Protocols Imply Private Simultaneous Messages Protocols}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2022/1306}, year = {2022}, url = {} }