Paper 2022/1261
Breaking RSA Generically is Equivalent to Factoring, with Preprocessing
We investigate the relationship between the classical RSA and factoring problems when preprocessing is considered. In such a model, adversaries can use an unbounded amount of precomputation to produce an “advice” string to then use during the online phase, when a problem instance becomes known. Previous work (e.g., [Bernstein, Lange ASI- ACRYPT ’13]) has shown that preprocessing attacks significantly im- prove the runtime of the best-known factoring algorithms. Due to these improvements, we ask whether the relationship between factoring and RSA fundamentally changes when preprocessing is allowed. Specifically, we investigate whether there is a superpolynomial gap between the run- time of the best attack on RSA with preprocessing and on factoring with preprocessing. Our main result rules this out with respect to algorithms in a careful adaptation of the generic ring model [Aggarwal and Maurer, Eurocrypt 2009] to the preprocessing setting. In particular, in this setting we show the existence of a factoring algorithm with polynomially related parameters, for any setting of RSA parameters.
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- Category
- Foundations
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- Preprint.
- Keywords
- generic ring modelpreprocessingRSAfactoring
- Contact author(s)
danadach @ umd edu
loss @ cispa de
amoneill @ gmail com - History
- 2023-03-05: last of 3 revisions
- 2022-09-23: received
- See all versions
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@misc{cryptoeprint:2022/1261, author = {Dana Dachman-Soled and Julian Loss and Adam O'Neill}, title = {Breaking {RSA} Generically is Equivalent to Factoring, with Preprocessing}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2022/1261}, year = {2022}, url = {} }