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Paper 2021/759

Cerebro: A Platform for Multi-Party Cryptographic Collaborative Learning

Wenting Zheng and Ryan Deng and Weikeng Chen and Raluca Ada Popa and Aurojit Panda and Ion Stoica


Many organizations need large amounts of high-quality data for their applications, and one way to acquire such data is to combine datasets from multiple parties. Since these organizations often own sensitive data that cannot be shared in the clear with others due to policy regulation and business competition, there is increased interest in utilizing secure multi-party computation (MPC). MPC allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function without revealing their inputs to each other. We present Cerebro, an end-to-end collaborative learning platform that enables parties to compute learning tasks without sharing plaintext data. By taking an end-to-end approach to the system design, Cerebro allows multiple parties with complex economic relationships to safely collaborate on machine learning computation through the use of release policies and auditing, while also enabling users to achieve good performance without manually navigating the complex performance tradeoffs between MPC protocols.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. Major revision. USENIX Security 2021
secure collaborative learningmultiparty computation
Contact author(s)
wzheng2 @ andrew cmu edu,rdeng2614 @ berkeley edu,w k @ berkeley edu
2021-06-07: received
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Creative Commons Attribution
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