Paper 2021/238

Weak Tweak-Keys for the CRAFT Block Cipher

Gregor Leander and Shahram Rasoolzadeh


CRAFT is a lightweight tweakable Substitution-Permutation-Network (SPN) block cipher optimized for efficient protection of its implementations against Differential Fault Analysis (DFA) attacks. In this paper, we present an equivalent description of CRAFT up to a simple mapping on the plaintext, ciphertext and round tweakeys. We show that the new representation, for a sub-class of keys, leads to a new structure which is a Feistel network, with non-linear operation and key addition only on half the state. Consequently, it reveals a class of weak keys for which CRAFT is less resistant against differential and linear cryptanalyses. As a result, we present one weak-key single-tweak differential attack on 23 rounds (with time complexity of $2^{94}$ encryptions and data complexity of $2^{74}$ chosen plaintext/tweak/ciphertext tuples and works for $2^{112}$ weak keys) and one weak-key related-tweak attack on 26 rounds of the cipher (with time complexity of $2^{105}$ encryptions and data complexity $2^{73}$ chosen plaintext/tweak/ciphertext tuples and works for $2^{108}$ weak keys). Note that these attacks do not break the security claim of the CRAFT block cipher.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Published by the IACR in FSE 2022
CRAFTpartial key additionpartial non-linear layer
Contact author(s)
shahram rasoolzadeh @ ru nl
2022-01-29: last of 3 revisions
2021-03-02: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Gregor Leander and Shahram Rasoolzadeh},
      title = {Weak Tweak-Keys for the {CRAFT} Block Cipher},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2021/238},
      year = {2021},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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