Paper 2021/212

Bit-wise Cryptanalysis on AND-RX Permutation Friet-PC

Ryoma Ito, Rentaro Shiba, Kosei Sakamoto, Fukang Liu, and Takanori Isobe


This paper presents three attack vectors of bit-wise cryptanalysis including rotational, bit-wise differential, and zero-sum distinguishing attacks on the AND-RX permutation Friet-PC, which is implemented in a lightweight authenticated encryption scheme Friet. First, we propose a generic procedure for a rotational attack on AND-RX cipher with round constants. By applying the proposed attack to Friet-PC, we can construct an 8-round rotational distinguisher with a time complexity of 2^{102}. Next, we explore single- and dual-bit differential biases, which are inspired by the existing study on Salsa and ChaCha, and observe the best bit-wise differential bias with 2^{−9.552}. This bias allows us to practically construct a 9-round bit-wise differential distinguisher with a time complexity of 2^{20.044}. Finally, we construct 13-, 15-, 17-, and 30-round zero-sum distinguishers with time complexities of 2^{31}, 2^{63}, 2^{127}, and 2^{383}, respectively. To summarize our study, we apply three attack vectors of bit-wise cryptanalysis to Friet-PC and show their superiority as effective attacks on AND-RX ciphers.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Authenticated EncryptionPermutationFriet-PCRotational AttackBit-wise Differential AttackZero-sum Distinguisher
Contact author(s)
itorym @ nict go jp
rentaro shiba @ gmail com
k sakamoto0728 @ gmail com
liufukangs @ 163 com
takanori isobe @ ai u-hyogo ac jp
2021-03-02: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Ryoma Ito and Rentaro Shiba and Kosei Sakamoto and Fukang Liu and Takanori Isobe},
      title = {Bit-wise Cryptanalysis on {AND}-{RX} Permutation Friet-{PC}},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2021/212},
      year = {2021},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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