Paper 2021/1587

Low-Bandwidth Threshold ECDSA via Pseudorandom Correlation Generators

Damiano Abram, Ariel Nof, Claudio Orlandi, Peter Scholl, and Omer Shlomovits


Digital signature schemes are a fundamental component of secure distributed systems, and the theft of a signing-key might have huge real-world repercussions e.g., in applications such as cryptocurrencies. Threshold signature schemes mitigate this problem by distributing shares of the secret key on several servers and requiring that enough of them interact to be able to compute a signature. In this paper, we provide a novel threshold protocol for ECDSA, arguably the most relevant signature scheme in practice. Our protocol is the first one where the communication complexity of the preprocessing phase is only logarithmic in the number of ECDSA signatures to be produced later, and it achieves therefore a so-called silent preprocessing. Our protocol achieves active security against any number of arbitrarily corrupted parties.

Note: Updated efficiency

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Published elsewhere. IEEE S&P 2022
Threshold ECDSAPCG
Contact author(s)
damiano abram @ cs au dk
ariel nof @ cs technion ac il
orlandi @ cs au dk
peter scholl @ cs au dk
omer shlomovits @ gmail com
2022-05-16: revised
2021-12-06: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Damiano Abram and Ariel Nof and Claudio Orlandi and Peter Scholl and Omer Shlomovits},
      title = {Low-Bandwidth Threshold {ECDSA} via Pseudorandom Correlation Generators},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2021/1587},
      year = {2021},
      url = {}
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