Paper 2021/1301

An Isogeny-Based ID Protocol Using Structured Public Keys

Karim Baghery, Daniele Cozzo, and Robi Pedersen


Isogeny-based cryptography is known as one of the promising approaches to the emerging post-quantum public key cryptography. In cryptography, an IDentification (ID) protocol is a primitive that allows someone's identity to be confirmed. We present an efficient variation of the isogeny-based interactive ID scheme used in the base form of the CSI-FiSh signature [BKV19], which was initially proposed by Couveignes-Rostovtsev-Stolbunov [Cou06, RS06], to support a larger challenge space, and consequently achieve a better soundness error rate in each execution. To this end, we prolong the public key of the basic ID protocol with some wellformed elements that are generated by particular factors of the secret key. Due to the need for a well-formed (or structured) public key, the (secret and public) keys are generated by a trusted authority. Our analysis shows that, for a particular security parameter, by extending a public key of size 64 B to 2.1 MB, the prover and verifier of our ID protocol can be more than 14 faster than the basic ID protocol which has a binary challenge space, and moreover, the proof in our case will be about 13.5 shorter. Using standard techniques, we also turn the presented ID protocol into a signature scheme that is as efficient as the state-of-the-art CSI-FiSh signature, and is existentially unforgeable under chosen message attacks in the (quantum) random oracle model. However, in our signature scheme, a verifier should get the public key of a signer from a trusted authority, which is standard in a wide range of current uses of signatures. Finally, we show how to eliminate the need for a trusted authority in our proposed ID protocol.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Minor revision. IMACC 2021 - 18th IMA Conference on Cryptography and Coding Theory
Isogeny-based CryptographyIdentification ProtocolsDigital SignaturesQuantum Random Oracle Model
Contact author(s)
karim baghery @ kuleuven be
daniele cozzo @ kuleuven be
robi pedersen @ kuleuven be
2021-12-13: last of 2 revisions
2021-09-28: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Karim Baghery and Daniele Cozzo and Robi Pedersen},
      title = {An Isogeny-Based {ID} Protocol Using Structured Public Keys},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2021/1301},
      year = {2021},
      url = {}
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