Paper 2021/1235

Saidoyoki: Evaluating side-channel leakage in pre- and post-silicon setting

Pantea Kiaei, Zhenyuan Liu, Ramazan Kaan Eren, Yuan Yao, and Patrick Schaumont


Predicting the level and exploitability of side-channel leakage from complex SoC design is a challenging task. We present Saidoyoki, a test platform that enables the assessment of side-channel leakage under two different settings. The first is pre-silicon side-channel leakage estimation in SoC, and it requires the use of fast side-channel leakage estimation from a high level design description. The second is post-silicon side-channel leakage measurement and analysis in SoC, and it requires a hardware prototype that reflects the design description. By designing an in-house SoC and next building a side-channel leakage analysis environment around it, we are able to evaluate design-time (pre-silicon) side-channel leakage estimates as well as prototype (post-silicon) side-channel leakage measurements. The Saidoyoki platform hosts two different SoC, one based on a 32-bit RISC-V processor and a second based on a SPARC V8 processor. In this contribution, we highlight our design decisions and design flow for side-channel leakage simulation and measurement, and we present preliminary results and analysis using the Saidoyoki platform. We highlight that, while the post-silicon setting provides more side-channel leakage detail than the pre-silicon setting, the latter provides significantly enhanced test resolution and root cause analysis support. We conclude that pre-silicon side-channel leakage assessment can be an important tool for the security analysis of modern Security SoC.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. 34th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (IEEE SOCC)
Side-channel Leakage VerificationSecure IC DesignHardware Security
Contact author(s)
pkiaei @ wpi edu
zliu12 @ wpi edu
reren @ wpi edu
yuan9 @ vt edu
pschaumont @ wpi edu
2021-09-20: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Pantea Kiaei and Zhenyuan Liu and Ramazan Kaan Eren and Yuan Yao and Patrick Schaumont},
      title = {Saidoyoki: Evaluating side-channel leakage in pre- and post-silicon setting},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2021/1235},
      year = {2021},
      url = {}
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