Paper 2021/1213

DualRing: Generic Construction of Ring Signatures with Efficient Instantiations

Tsz Hon Yuen, Muhammed F. Esgin, Joseph K. Liu, Man Ho Au, and Zhimin Ding


We introduce a novel generic ring signature construction, called DualRing, which can be built from several canonical identification schemes (such as Schnorr identification). DualRing differs from the classical ring signatures by its formation of two rings: a ring of commitments and a ring of challenges. It has a structural difference from the common ring signature approaches based on accumulators or zero-knowledge proofs of the signer index. Comparatively, DualRing has a number of unique advantages. Considering the DL-based setting by using Schnorr identification scheme, our DualRing structure allows the signature size to be compressed into logarithmic size via an argument of knowledge system such as Bulletproofs. We further improve on the Bulletproofs argument system to eliminate about half of the computation while maintaining the same proof size. We call this Sum Argument and it can be of independent interest. This DL-based construction, named DualRing-EC, using Schnorr identification with Sum Argument has the shortest ring signature size in the literature without using trusted setup. Considering the lattice-based setting, we instantiate DualRing by a canonical identification based on M-LWE and M-SIS. In practice, we achieve the shortest lattice-based ring signature, named DualRing-LB, when the ring size is between 4 and 2000. DualRing-LB is also 5x faster in signing and verification than the fastest lattice-based scheme by Esgin et al. (CRYPTO'19).

Note: Full version of the paper in CRYPTO 2021.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
A major revision of an IACR publication in CRYPTO 2021
Ring SignatureGeneric ConstructionSum ArgumentM-LWESIS
Contact author(s)
thyuen @ cs hku hk
2021-09-17: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Tsz Hon Yuen and Muhammed F.  Esgin and Joseph K.  Liu and Man Ho Au and Zhimin Ding},
      title = {{DualRing}: Generic Construction of Ring Signatures with Efficient Instantiations},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2021/1213},
      year = {2021},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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