Paper 2021/1186

A Privacy-Preserving Distributed Identity Offline-First PoCP Blockchain Paradigm

Andrew M. K. Nassief


BitBadges is a privacy preserving distributed identity platform that plans on utilizing CouchDB, the decentralized-internet SDK by Lonero, Blake3 hashing, and a PoCP or Proof of Computation consensus algorithm. It is privacy-preserving and offers a unique proposition for traditional blockchains centered around consensus algorithms. This paper introduces the conceptual design for BitBadges in its second version and as its own blockchain platform and cryptocurrency. The aim is to introduce various researchers to distributed consensus through an identity-based platform, while still keeping its decentralized and privacy-preserving nature. The main distributed computing paradigm or architectural design is centered around Peer to Peer Client Server models and a Point to Point message model. Its distributed system is centered around a grid computing design based off of fault tolerance and censorship-resistance. It also implements lockstep and modular operations. BitBadges was first iterated as a NFT hashing/badge creation solution and has slowly transitioned to an alternative to ERC721 to its own blockchain. BitBadges will be interoperable with various sidechain integrations for badge issuing and identity measures. These are further intentional integrations to make BitBadges further decentralized. The aim is to create a new model for distributed identity centered around PoCP.

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
cryptocurrencydatabasesblake3blake3 hashingblake3 encryptionblockchainblockchain frameworksPoCP
Contact author(s)
andrew @ etherstone org
2021-09-14: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Andrew M. K.  Nassief},
      title = {A Privacy-Preserving Distributed Identity Offline-First {PoCP} Blockchain Paradigm},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2021/1186},
      year = {2021},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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