Paper 2020/891

Keep it Unsupervised: Horizontal Attacks Meet Deep Learning

Guilherme Perin, Lukasz Chmielewski, Lejla Batina, and Stjepan Picek


To mitigate side-channel attacks, real-world implementations of public-key cryptosystems adopt state-of-the-art countermeasures based on randomization of the private or ephemeral keys. Usually, for each private key operation, a "scalar blinding" is performed using 32 or 64 randomly generated bits. Nevertheless, horizontal attacks based on a single trace still pose serious threats to protected ECC or RSA implementations. If the secrets learned through a single-trace attack contain too many wrong (or noisy) bits, the cryptanalysis methods for recovering remaining bits become impractical due to time and computational constraints. This paper proposes a deep learning-based framework to iteratively correct partially correct secret keys resulting from a clustering-based horizontal attack. By testing the trained network on scalar multiplication (or exponentiation) traces, we demonstrate that a deep neural network can significantly reduce the number of error bits from randomized scalars (or exponents). When a simple horizontal attack can recover around 52% of private key bits, the proposed iterative framework improves the private key correctness to 100%. Our attack model remains fully unsupervised and excludes the need to know where the error or noisy bits are located in each separate randomized private key.

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Side-channel AnalysisPublic-key AlgorithmsHorizontal AttacksDeep Learning
Contact author(s)
guilhermeperin7 @ gmail com
lukchmiel @ gmail com
picek stjepan @ gmail com
lejla @ cs ru nl
2020-10-16: last of 2 revisions
2020-07-16: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Guilherme Perin and Lukasz Chmielewski and Lejla Batina and Stjepan Picek},
      title = {Keep it Unsupervised: Horizontal Attacks Meet Deep Learning},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2020/891},
      year = {2020},
      url = {}
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