Paper 2020/828

Modified Secure Hashing algorithm(MSHA-512)

Ashoka SB and Lakshmikanth D


In recent year’s security has become an important role in the field of Defense, Business, Medical and Industries.Different types of cryptography algorithms has been implemented in order to provide security with high performance. A hash function is a cryptography algorithm without a key such as MD5, SHA-family. Secure hash algorithm which is standardized by NIST as secured hashing in FIPS. In this paper we mainly focus on code optimization and increase the performance of SHA-512. To optimize and increase the performance of SHA-512 we have modified the algorithm and proposed Modified Secure hash algorithm(MSHA-512 ). It is a one-way hash function that can process a message to produce a condensed representation called a message digest.In this proposed algorithm within the limited rounds (40 rounds instead of 80 rounds) we can obtain exact result which is same as traditional SHA-512 algorithm. By using MSHA-512 algorithm we can reduce the time upto 50% for the same process, which increases the performance of the algorithm and helps to increase the flexibility of server in running streams. The MSHA-512 generates the same hash code as we generate in the SHA-512 for all different size of inputs. MSHA-512 is developed and designed to overcome the time complexity of SHA-512 and increase the performance of it by reducing the rounds.

Note: The MSHA-512 generates the same hash code as we generate in the SHA-512 for all different size of inputs. MSHA-512 is developed and designed to overcome the time complexity of SHA-512 and increase the performance of it by reducing the rounds.

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-- withdrawn --
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
SHA-512Blockchain securityRolled SHA-512cyber securityMSHA-512
Contact author(s)
lakshmikantha aries @ gmail com
2020-10-20: withdrawn
2020-07-07: received
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