Paper 2020/770

Time-Space Tradeoffs and Short Collisions in Merkle-Damgård Hash Functions

Akshima, David Cash, Andrew Drucker, and Hoeteck Wee


We study collision-finding against Merkle-Damgård hashing in the random-oracle model by adversaries with an arbitrary $S$-bit auxiliary advice input about the random oracle and $T$ queries. Recent work showed that such adversaries can find collisions (with respect to a random IV) with advantage $\Omega(ST^2/2^n)$, where $n$ is the output length, beating the birthday bound by a factor of $S$. These attacks were shown to be optimal. We observe that the collisions produced are very long, on the order $T$ blocks, which would limit their practical relevance. We prove several results related to improving these attacks to find short collisions. We first exhibit a simple attack for finding $B$-block-long collisions achieving advantage $\tilde{\Omega}(STB/2^n)$. We then study if this attack is optimal. We show that the prior technique based on the bit-fixing model (used for the $ST^2/2^n$ bound) provably cannot reach this bound, and towards a general result we prove there are qualitative jumps in the optimal attacks for finding length $1$, length $2$, and unbounded-length collisions. Namely, the optimal attacks achieve (up to logarithmic factors) order of $(S+T)/2^n$, $ST/2^n$ and $ST^2/2^n$ advantage. We also give an upper bound on the advantage of a restricted class of short-collision finding attacks via a new analysis on the growth of trees in random functional graphs that may be of independent interest.

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Publication info
A major revision of an IACR publication in CRYPTO 2020
provable securitysymmetric cryptographytime-memory tradeoffsauxiliary inputhash functionsMerkle Damgårdrandom oracleshort collisions
Contact author(s)
akshima @ uchicago edu
davidcash @ uchicago edu
andy drucker @ gmail com
wee @ di ens fr
2020-06-24: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Akshima and David Cash and Andrew Drucker and Hoeteck Wee},
      title = {Time-Space Tradeoffs and Short Collisions in Merkle-Damgård Hash Functions},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2020/770},
      year = {2020},
      url = {}
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