Paper 2020/604

Perfectly Oblivious (Parallel) RAM Revisited, and Improved Constructions

T-H. Hubert Chan, Elaine Shi, Wei-Kai Lin, and Kartik Nayak


Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a technique for compiling any RAM program to an oblivious counterpart, i.e., one whose access patterns do not leak information about the secret inputs. Similarly, Oblivious Parallel RAM (OPRAM) compiles a {\it parallel} RAM program to an oblivious counterpart. In this paper, we care about ORAM/OPRAM with {\it perfect security}, i.e., the access patterns must be {\it identically distributed} no matter what the program's memory request sequence is. In the past, two types of perfect ORAMs/OPRAMs have been considered: constructions whose performance bounds hold {\it in expectation} (but may occasionally run more slowly); and constructions whose performance bounds hold {\it deterministically} (even though the algorithms themselves are randomized). In this paper, we revisit the performance metrics for perfect ORAM/OPRAM, and show novel constructions that achieve asymptotical improvements for all performance metrics. Our first result is a new perfectly secure OPRAM scheme with {\it expected} overhead. In comparison, prior literature has been stuck at for more than a decade. Next, we show how to construct a perfect ORAM with {\it deterministic} simulation overhead. We further show how to make the scheme parallel, resulting in an perfect OPRAM with {\it deterministic} simulation overhead. For perfect ORAMs/OPRAMs with deterministic performance bounds, our results achieve {\it subexponential} improvement over the state-of-the-art. Specifically, the best known prior scheme incurs more than deterministic simulation overhead (Raskin and Simkin, Asiacrypt'19); moreover, their scheme works only for the sequential setting and is {\it not} amenable to parallelization. Finally, we additionally consider perfect ORAMs/OPRAMs whose performance bounds hold with high probability. For this new performance metric, we show new constructions whose simulation overhead is upper bounded by except with negligible in probability, i.e., we prove high-probability performance bounds that match the expected bounds mentioned earlier.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Major revision. ITC 2021
perfect oblivious RAMoblivious PRAM
Contact author(s)
hubert @ cs hku hk
wklin @ cs cornell edu
kartik @ cs duke edu
runting @ gmail com
2021-05-12: last of 3 revisions
2020-05-22: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {T-H.  Hubert Chan and Elaine Shi and Wei-Kai Lin and Kartik Nayak},
      title = {Perfectly Oblivious (Parallel) {RAM} Revisited, and Improved Constructions},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2020/604},
      year = {2020},
      doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ITC.2021.9},
      url = {}
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