Paper 2020/438

Fast hybrid Karatsuba multiplier for Type II pentanomials

Yin Li, Yu Zhang, and Wei He


We continue the study of Mastrovito form of Karatsuba multipliers under the shifted polynomial basis (SPB), recently introduced by Li et al. (IEEE TC (2017)). A Mastrovito-Karatsuba (MK) multiplier utilizes the Karatsuba algorithm (KA) to optimize polynomial multiplication and the Mastrovito approach to combine it with the modular reduction. The authors developed a MK multiplier for all trinomials, which obtain a better space and time trade-off compared with previous non-recursive Karatsuba counterparts. Based on this work, we make two types of contributions in our paper. FORMULATION. We derive a new modular reduction formulation for constructing Mastrovito matrix associated with Type II pentanomial. This formula can also be applied to other special type of pentanomials, e.g. Type I pentanomial and Type C.1 pentanomial. Through related formulations, we demonstrate that Type I pentanomial is less efficient than Type II one because of a more complicated modular reduction under the same SPB; conversely, Type C.1 pentanomial is as good as Type II pentanomial under an alternative generalized polynomial basis (GPB). EXTENSION. We introduce a new MK multiplier for Type II pentanomial. It is shown that our proposal is only one slower than the fastest bit-parallel multipliers for Type II pentanomial, but its space complexity is roughly 3/4 of those schemes, where is the delay of one 2-input XOR gate. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time for hybrid multiplier to achieve such a time delay bound.

Note: Fix some formulation errors

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Karatsuba algorithmhybrid multiplierMastrovitoShifted polynomial basisType II pentanomial
Contact author(s)
yunfeiyangli @ gmail com
2020-07-28: revised
2020-04-19: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Yin Li and Yu Zhang and Wei He},
      title = {Fast hybrid Karatsuba multiplier for Type {II} pentanomials},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2020/438},
      year = {2020},
      url = {}
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