Paper 2020/315

plookup: A simplified polynomial protocol for lookup tables

Ariel Gabizon and Zachary J. Williamson


We present a protocol for checking the values of a committed polynomial fF<n[X] over a multiplicative subgroup HF of size n, are contained in the values of a table tFd. Our protocol can be viewed as a simplification of one from Bootle et. al [BCGJM, ASIACRYPT 2018] for a similar problem, with potential efficiency improvements when dn. In particular, [BCGJM]'s protocol requires comitting to several auxiliary polynomials of degree dlogn, whereas ours requires three commitments to auxiliary polynomials of degree n, which can be much smaller in the case dn. One common use case of this primitive in the zk-SNARK setting is a ``batched range proof'', where one wishes to check all of 's values on are in a range . We present a slightly optimized protocol for this special case, and pose improving it as an open problem.

Note: typo, ack: Luke Pearson

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Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
zk-SNARKsPolynomial Commitment Schemes
Contact author(s)
ariel @ aztecprotocol com
2020-11-20: last of 4 revisions
2020-03-15: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Ariel Gabizon and Zachary J.  Williamson},
      title = {plookup: A simplified polynomial protocol for lookup tables},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2020/315},
      year = {2020},
      url = {}
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