Paper 2020/242
Practical and Secure Circular Range Search on Private Spatial Data
Zhihao Zheng, Jiachen Shen, and Zhenfu Cao
With the location-based services booming, the volume of spatial data inevitably explodes. In order to reduce local storage and computational overhead, users tend to outsource data and initiate queries to the cloud. However, sensitive data or queries may be compromised if cloud server has access to raw data and plaintext token. To cope with this problem, searchable encryption for geometric range is applied. Geometric range search has wide applications in many scenarios, especially the circular range search. In this paper, we propose a practical and secure circular range search scheme (PSCS) to support searching for spatial data in a circular range. With Our scheme, a semi-honest cloud server will return the data for a given circular range correctly without revealing index privacy or query privacy. We propose a polynomial split algorithm which can decompose the inner product calculation neatly. Then, We formally define the security of our scheme and theoretically prove that it is secure under same-closeness-pattern chosen-plaintext attacks (CLS-CPA). In addition, we demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy through analysis and experiments compared with existing schemes.
- Available format(s)
- -- withdrawn --
- Category
- Secret-key cryptography
- Publication info
- Published elsewhere. Minor revision. IEEE TrustCom 2020
- Keywords
- spatial datacloud servercircular range searchindex privacyquery privacy.
- Contact author(s)
- 1779976538 @ qq com
- History
- 2020-11-08: withdrawn
- 2020-02-25: received
- See all versions
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