Paper 2020/192

Certificateless Homomorphic Signature Scheme for Network Coding

Jinyong Chang, Bilin Shao, Yanyan Ji, and Genqing Bian


Homomorphic signature is an extremely important public key cryptographic technique for network coding to defend against pollution attacks. As a public key cryptographic primitive, it also encounters the same problem that how to confirm the relationship between some public key pk and the identity ID of its owner. In the setting of network coding, the intermediate and destination nodes need to use source node S’s public key to check the validity of vector-signature pairs. Therefore, the binding of S and its corresponding public key becomes crucial. The popular and traditional solution is based on certificates which is issued by a trusted certification authority (CA) center. However, the generation and management of certificates is extremely cumbersome. Hence, in recent work [20], Lin et al. proposed a new notion of identity-based homomorphic signature, which intends to avoid using certificates. But the key escrow problem is inevitable for identity-based primitives. In this paper, we propose another new notion (for network coding): certificateless homomorphic signature (CLHS), which is a compromise for the above two techniques. In particular, we first describe the definition and security model of certificateless homomorphic signature. Then based on bilinear map and the computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption, give a concrete implementation and detailedly analyze its security. Finally, performance analysis illustrates that our construction is practical.

Available format(s)
-- withdrawn --
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Homomorphic SignatureCertificateless SignatureCDH AssumptionNetwork Coding
Contact author(s)
changjinyong @ pku edu cn
2020-07-31: withdrawn
2020-02-18: received
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