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Paper 2020/164

From discrete-log to lattices: maybe the real lessons were our broken schemes along the way?

Alex Bienstock and Allison Bishop and Eli Goldin and Garrison Grogan and Victor Lecomte


In the fall of 2018, a professor became obsessed with conspiracy theories of deeper connections between discrete-log based cryptography and lattice based cryptography. That obsession metastasized and spread to some of the students in the professor's cryptography course through a cryptanalysis challenge that was set as a class competition. The students and the professor continued travelling further down the rabbit hole, refusing to stop when the semester was over. Refusing to stop even as some of the students graduated, and really refusing to stop even now, but pausing long enough to write up this chronicle of their exploits.

Note: fixed some minor typos

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Preprint. MINOR revision.
Contact author(s)
allibishop @ gmail com
2020-08-02: last of 4 revisions
2020-02-13: received
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