Paper 2020/1541
PsiBench: Pragmatic Benchmark of Two-party Private Set Intersection.
Private Set Intersection (PSI) allows two parties to obtain the intersection of their data sets while revealing nothing else. PSI is attractive in many scenarios and has wide applications in academia and industry. Over the last three decades, a large number of PSI protocols have been proposed using different cryptographic techniques, under different assumptions, for different scenarios. The inherent complexity, heterogeneous constructions, and rapid evolution of PSI protocols make it difficult to have a unified perspective and further promote the field. We make the following three contributions to present a pragmatic benchmark of two-party PSI. First, we propose the Map-and-Compare framework, which generalizes almost all efficient PSI constructions to date, and intuitively explains the idea and challenge of PSI constructions. Based on the framework, we divide existing proposals into several categories and perform a systematic analysis of the features and use cases of different PSI variants. Second, we present a Java-based benchmark library that implements almost all two-party PSI protocols (which are considered to define the state-of-the-art in terms of concrete performance) and supports rapid prototyping of new PSI protocols. Third, by using our library as a common ground, we provide a comprehensive and impartial comparison of all our PSI implementations in detail. We discuss the performance of different proposals in various settings.
Note: updated on Feb 28th, 2024
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Implementation
- Publication info
- Preprint.
- Keywords
- Private Set IntersectionSecure Multi-Party CommunicationApplied Cryptography
- Contact author(s)
liangziyuan @ zju edu cn
weiran lwr @ alibaba-inc com
hanwen feng @ sydney edu au
fengdi hf @ alibaba-inc com
plq270998 @ alibaba-inc com
jerry pl @ alibaba-inc com
lichao42 @ zju edu cn
xugr @ zju edu cn
zongchao zl @ taobao com
fanzhang @ zju edu cn - History
- 2024-02-28: revised
- 2020-12-13: received
- See all versions
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- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2020/1541, author = {Ziyuan Liang and Weiran Liu and Hanwen Feng and Feng Han and Liqiang Peng and Li Peng and Chao Li and Guorui Xu and Lei Zhang and Fan Zhang}, title = {{PsiBench}: Pragmatic Benchmark of Two-party Private Set Intersection.}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2020/1541}, year = {2020}, url = {} }