Paper 2020/1379

Blockchain Driven Access Control Mechanisms, Models and Frameworks: A Systematic Literature Review

Aaqib Bashir Dar, Asif Iqbal Baba, Auqib Hamid Lone, Roohie Naaz, and Fan Wu


Access Control or authorization is referred to as the confinement of specific actions of an entity to perform an action. Blockchain driven access control mechanisms have gained considerable attention since applications for blockchain were found beyond the premises of cryptocurrencies. However, there are no systematic efforts to analyze existing empirical evidence. To this end, we aim to synthesize literature to understand the state-of-the-art in blockchain driven access control mechanisms with respect to underlying platforms, utilized blockchain properties, nature of the models and associated testbeds & tools. We conducted the review in a systematic way. Meta Analysis and thematic synthesis was performed on the findings and results from the relevant primary studies in order to answer the research questions in perspective. We identified 76 relevant primary studies passing the quality assessment. A number of problems like single point of failure, security, privacy etc were targeted by the relevant primary studies. The meta analysis suggests the use of different blockchain platforms, several application domains and different utilized blockchain properties. In this paper, we present a systematic literature review of blockchain driven access control systems. In hindsight, we present a taxonomy of blockchain driven access control systems to better under the immense implications this field has over various application domains.

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-- withdrawn --
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
BlockchainAccess ControlDecentralizationSmart Contracts
Contact author(s)
aaqibb13 @ gmail com
2022-02-16: withdrawn
2020-11-10: received
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